Thursday, March 31, 2011


There is just something about being on Daddy and Mommy's bed... ;)

p.s sorry about our messy bed.

Thank you!

Buzz slippers! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Ravert!

When I showed Joshua the slippers he said, "Wow! Buzz!"

He loves them :)

sorry about the bed...the sheets were in the dryer ;)

"To infinity and beyond!"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

10 days left

I can't believe it, I only have 10 days left until my due date. Time has actually gone by very fast, but at the same time, it isn't going fast enough :)

We are so anxious to meet our little baby boy #2! (yes, I think we finally have a name, but it may take until we see him to know for sure. I am happy with the name, but Daddy isn't set yet?!?!)

On second thought, we have been praying for Eve Ruby. This little girl has been going through a rough case of bacterial pneumonia. She has had breathing tubes, feeding tubes, paralysis, and many other treatments. Through it all, the Lord has been glorified. He has also had an opportunity to show Himself strong to many people!

Please continue to pray for Eve and her family as she heads down the long road of recovery!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


It is truly humbling to see the hand of God in your life.
To see His power over all situations,
over physical and spiritual difficulties.
Remember, He and He alone is in control...
even if we think we are, we are not.
Yet, when difficult situations arise we ask "why"?
This is something that we all deal with.
The Lord sets things in our path that He desires for us.
Why does He desire difficulties in the lives of His children?
He wants us to grow in our walk,
our path that He has set for us.
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes:
fear the LORD, and depart from evil."
~ Proverbs 3:5-7

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Joshua has always been a HUGE fan of music!
Joshua automatically loved the guitar as soon as he saw his cousin, Isaac's toy story guitar.
We have been looking for one for him for a LONG time. We were finally able to locate one and Christopher and Melissa happened to be right by the store so he got his "De-tar!"
He is so proud of his guitar! The first Sunday that he had it, he had to take it to church to show
Ky (Caleb Turner) and Milla (Mr. Semillia - he is known as the maestro at church). Joshua was so funny, he thought he was cool showing off his "de-tar"!
It was so cute though ;)
He has had his guitar for around a month or so, and he still pulls it out EVERYDAY and plays with it! I think we have a little 'maestro' in the making!
Only just over 2 weeks until our baby's due!!!!
We are still praying that he comes early!

Our little reader

Joshua LOVES to 'read' his books!
He will sometimes sit down for half an hour or longer and 'read' his books!

Yes, you have to have you favorite blanket around when you are doing one of your favorite things...reading :)
Joshua is actually looking at a book that I used to when I was young!
It must be a really good book :)
I am so glad that he likes to look at books...
I am not a reader, although sometimes I wish I was.
We are praying that he continues to love to read as he gets older.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

People know me too well... :)

I have always been more like the ladies on my dad's side of the family, but I do know one thing that I definitely got from my Mum...
I will add though, that my Mum is WAY more addicted to chocolate than I am...
she has stashes in her room. For years she thought that we didn't know about them. Yeah, she thought wrong! HAHA!
Love you Mum :)

Sorry, we are still here...

Yes, I am still alive...sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. It has been rather busy around here lately getting everything ready for our little mr. to arrive! We are praying he comes soon :) I will try and get some things up this coming week...I have the pictures, just not the time. Thanks for your patience :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What will he do next...?

The last few nights have been hilarious putting Joshua to bed! He has been unusually hyper right before bedtime, so it makes calming him down a little bit of a longer process... which he doesn't mind at all. When we lay him down, he jumps right up again and starts jumping in his bed. Then when we say good night and close the door the next thing we hear is him turning his light on (he can reach it from his bed) and off and on and off and on and get the picture. When he is tired of playing with the light switch he will either wind his mobile (yes, he still has a mobile on his bed...he loves's cars!) and sings with that, or he will play with all his 10 stuffed animals that he insists on sleeping with :) The other night while Joshua was playing with his light stitch, Nathan decided to peek in and see exactly what he was doing. So he opened Joshua's door just a crack and Joshua was standing right there smiling and said "Boo!" obviously all Nathan could do was laugh!!! It was so funny :) After all this 'fun time' in bed, he still goes right to sleep on his own. He just has to use up his extra energy...He is such a good boy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our new nephew Landen William

Here he is! Landen William Marks, born March 5, 2011 at 1:26am!

I think that he looks so much like his mommy!
Speaking of her, please pray for her. She had quite a few serious complications after Landen was born. She is doing well now, just in a lot of pain. Pray that everything heals quickly and properly. Praise the Lord, He knows what is best and is still in control!

The proud new Daddy (My brother, Thomas) and his little man!
Babies are such an amazing miracle from our God above!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayer request

Please pray for my sis-in-law, Holly. She is expecting her first baby any day now. She is actually due tomorrow...she is very ready for this baby to arrive! With a couple of false alarms, my brother and her are waiting very anxiously!!! Her Dr. has told her that if the baby does not come on his own by Monday, they are going to induce her. Please join in praying with us that he decides to make his grand entrance sooner than later!

On a side note: My sister, Alicia, has just found out that she is also expecting!!! Yes, 3 of us girls are all prego at one time :) I thought that was pretty cool :) Pray for her as well.


"Evangelism is not a professionalized job for a few trained men and women but is instead, the unrelenting responsibility of every person who belongs, even in the most modest way, to the company of Jesus." - Elton Trueblood