Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What we have been up to... ;D

Joshua and Matthew watching baby Einstein! One of their favorite things to do together :)

Matthew is already 7 months! (almost 8)
Sharing :)
Goofy boys...

Yes, I have some decorations up!!!!!!!! I started on Monday night, but didn't get very far. Then I did our mantel on Tuesday! I love decorating our fireplace! It is so pretty!
It looks better when it is dark and you can see the lights and all the decorations sparkling!! ...even better when there is a fire too!
Matthew make soooo many faces. He is our outgoing boy!
Joshua thought that it would be funny to do what Matthew was doing :)
I tried to have them close together for a cute picture, but Matthew was done with pictures before I even took this one.
Playing cars together...they are such BOYS!!!
Joshua's nice and fresh hair cut!!!

Its November! Well, I lost my SD card for my camera for a couple of weeks so, my November photo folder is pretty skimpy. I will try to get more in the next few days. The boys are both getting big and still LOVE to play together! Matthew is so close to crawling! When he starts I know he is going to be into everything. He is very, very curious! He cut his first tooth last night!!!! Finally! It has been interrupting his sleep for the last couple of weeks, maybe he will get some relief before the next ones come...?!?!?
We had our first SNOWFALL!!!!! Last week we were on our way to enjoy dinner (with a gift card I received for my birthday) and it started snowing. First, we heard it said on the radio that this was our first snowfall of the year...Nathan and I looked at each other and said, "where is it?" Then the longer we drove, the rain turned into snow and the snow flakes got bigger and bigger!! It was perfect! The snow was beautiful! Joshua was just as excited as Nathan and I to see the snow! When we got the the restaurant we asked if we could have a window table to watch the snow, but because we needed a highchair for Matthew we couldn't have a window table. We actually had a nice table anyways! We were just across from the window and could watch the snow fall! We actually had a little stay for the night too! Other got more than us, but we were happy enough just to SEE the snow! Joshua jumped around the house for a couple hours after we got home saying, "Its snowning, its snowning!!!!!" It was cute! I tried to get a movie of him, but when he saw the video camera he went all shy :)
We will be getting our Christmas Tree soon, so Ill be sure and take a lot of pictures then :) I will post them too!
Only 32 more sleeps until Christmas!!!!

1 comment:

Krystle Watters said...

Your boys are so cute!! They get along really well, eh? Our girls do too, so far. :) And Lucy loves Baby Einstein too, it's the only way I can do her hair without her crying!!