Friday, December 30, 2011

Our VERY Blessed Christmas ~ 2011

We let Joshua and Matthew open one present on Christmas Eve!
Joshua never really bothered about all the presents until we received 2 big boxes from all my family back in Ontario...then he asked everyday (more than once) to open "just one present." :) So, knowing what these presents were, we let them open these from Uncle Ben, Aunt Alicia, Eric, Alaina, and Aaron.
Joshua - "Its a blue jammy shirt!"
Joshua - "Hafme got a green jammy shirt too!"
(Joshua call Matthew 'Hafme')
Little Brother
Big Brother
Christmas morning!!!
"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...." ;)

Look at all those presents! The Lord certainly blessed us with many presents this year!
Matthew just woke up :) we woke the boys up at 6:30am to start opening presents (with my parents on skype) before church. Matthew was all smiles when I brought him out!
1st Christmas 2011
The first thing Joshua saw was this Thomas set :) he was very excited!!!! "Wow, is that mine Thomas?"
Joshua was so happy that he was finally able to dig into those presents!
Stocking time!
Matthew didn't need much help digging into his stocking, as soon as I handed it to him, he dumped it out :)

'Santa' bag! Growing up my parents always made up little bags for us with little things in it like tooth brushes, tooth paste, ornaments and stuff like that. The boys was stuffed :)
What a better way to start your day that to eat a nice real fruit bad he's to young to have it, he just got to enjoy the wrapper ;)
Matthew opening his trumpet from Auntie Holly and Uncle Joel (to be)!
Joshua opening his tool set from Auntie Holly and Uncle Joel (to be)
They both wanted to open up the toys right away...I think they forgot about all the other presents for a minute :)
See, there is Dad, Mum, and Holly on the was really neat to use skype!
Its chair, repeat office chair! Surprise!
This chair was my big black Friday grab!
A Thomas pillow!!!! We let both the boys open up these gifts at the same time (knowing they were the same). I poked a whole in Matthew's to help him get started and Joshua saw the 'Thomas' colors and grabbed Matthews and wanted to open it. He said, "Oh Thomas, my have that, I see it!" So I quickly poked a whole in his so he saw that his was the same and he was very pleased!! :)
They LOVE their Thomas pillows!
Matthew's 2011 Christmas bear! It has a tux on :)
Fireman Joshua
Matthew's 1st remote control car :) We had a hard time trying to figure out what to buy for Matthew. Since he is our second son, he already has all the 'boy' toys he needs from Joshua, be we still wanted to buy him something....
I found this at walmart two days before Christmas! As soon as I saw it I knew it would be perfect! He loves it! All he as to do is shake the rattle and the cars zooms off :)
Fire truck little people

the mess has begun...
We had to take the toys away from Matthew so he could open the next one...he was so excited to play with the new toy as he opened it. We could have just bought him one and he would have been satisfied.
Joshua was getting right into after opening the first couple of presents. After opened it, he would sit and look at it for a few minutes and if he could play with it he would, the he would put it aside and say, "Ok open more now please!"
Power tools with an interchangeable battery...just like Daddy!!! :)
This is his tool cart!

messy! It's all part of Christmas :) and we LOVE everything about Christmas :)

Joshua's new horse and cowboy hat :) he's so cute!
Matthew's 1st Christmas outfit!

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
p.s. Matthew started crawling yesterday!!!! January 1 2012 :)


Krystle Watters said...

Wow, you guys sure did have a blessed Christmas! It's way more fun with our own little ones, eh? And Rach, you look soooo good!! And good job to Matthew on crawling!

The Ravert Family said...

We really were blessed! Yes, it is so fun having these two little guys! They are our joy :) crawling...well, he already broke one of my favorite presents we received for our wedding :(

Adam and Casie said...

Love all the pics! Especially love the red nose on Matthew...super cute! Hope ya'll have had a wonderful Holiday season. Love you!