Saturday, April 23, 2011

BIKE!!!! Mommy!!!! Daddy!!!!!! BIKE!!!!

We took Joshua to a park yesterday after we gave him his bike. It is his Easter gift, but we knew if we waited until Easter Sunday he would want to ride it but not have the time with church. We put his bike together Thursday night and set it outside of his bedroom door, so when he woke up the next morning he would see it. When we heard him playing in bed Friday morning we grabbed the video camera and camera, knowing that he would be soooo excited! Nathan went into his room to get him and told him that there was a surprise waiting for him, so Joshua got all excited ;) As soon as he saw the bike he jumped out of Nathans arms and RAN to the bike saying BIKE Mommy Daddy BIKE!!!! He was soooo excited!! It was a lot of fun watching him! Right away he wanted on the bike...of course :) For the first few hours, he didn't quite catch on to how to ride it, so we took turns pushing him around the house and outside on the sidewalk. Later on in the day we took him to the park so he would have more space to learn to ride on his own. Still at the beginning he wanted Daddy to push him around. There was another little boy at the park on a tricycle riding very fast all over the place so Joshua was watching him very intently. Well, within a short amount of time, Nathan looked over at Joshua, who wasn't standing beside him anymore, to see him riding his bike on his own!!! He had made it about 5 feet away and was still going!! I guess he just needed a little encouragement from another little boy...boys love challenges :) The movie you watched of him was shortly after he started riding on his own! Now, there is NO stopping him...he just goes and goes! He LOVES his bike! He has already tried some hills!

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