Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter family pictures

For Easter this year we decided on the colour purple.

Family picture at church...sorry, Nathan's eyes are closed.

Speaking of church, we had a wonderful Easter Sunday service! We were able to get the big room in our building, so we just had one morning service instead of our regular two. Being a special Sunday that it was, we were glad! We handed out a ton of flyer's in the surrounding neighborhoods inviting people out to church for Easter Sunday service and a 'free' meal to follow...the free meal always helps :) We were privileged to have 184 in attendance, 16 of those being first time visitors, and 2 people trusted Christ as Saviour!! It was a wonderful day. To God be ALL the glory!!

My BIG boy! I love you Bubba!

Our growing family! The Lord has given us a wonderful family!
Sorry, we couldn't convince Joshua to spit out his soother...he was extremely tired!
Oh Grandma and Grandpa Ravert, thank you for the baby eore. Joshua was very excited when he saw it. He said "two eore!" He remembered about the other eore you gave him when he saw it. He even wanted to sleep with his '2 eore' that night!

My 3 handsome men (well, 1 man and 2 little men)!
All three of them wore matching ties :) We went to walmart on Friday and we found two purple ties that happened to be on clearance for $5, so we grabbed them right away! I just made the 2 boys ties out of a mens tie and there you have it...matching ties with Daddy (who was very proud to wear matching ties with his little guys)!

Daddy and Mommy

I love you!!


Adam and Casie said...

Love It!!! Those were definitely sweet. Very cute family! Love ya & miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Hehe. LOVE the ties. Good creative job with that, Rachie.