Monday, April 11, 2011

Matthew's 1st Church Service

Matthew is the 'newest' Anchor!!

Pastor and his little guys!

Pastor usually goes to the hospital to pray while ladies are in labour (as long as he can anyways). He was there when I was in labour with Joshua and it was such an encouragement for both of us; Nathan and I. With Matthew Pastor was flying to California the day I went into the hospital, so he was really disappointed...he likes to hold the 'newest' Anchors first.

He didn't get to hold Matthew until after church Sunday morning. He was so excited! Since his family got to see and hold Matthew first, he informed them that that was the first and last time this would happen :)

It is such a blessing to have a Pastor and family who cares so much.

Officially an Anchor!!

*he has been!*

Cutie ;D

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