Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter *Eggs*Baskets*Egg hunt!

Here are a bunch of pictures...we have done a lot in the last few days!

Lots of Fun :)

Matthew...after a long morning at church. He is so good at church. The nursery workers love having him in the nursery; I can't imagine why they wouldn't, just look at him ;)

Oh, these 2 pictures have nothing to do with Easter, but they are hilarious!

Joshua didn't just want a small piece, he wanted the whole piece!!

Joshua and Grandma decorating eggs! Well, mostly Grandma...Joshua just picked the colours :)

We bought Joshua a Toy Story egg kit. He got to put the stickers on the eggs!

Although Joshua's first Easter was last year, this year was a lot more fun :) He actually got to do everything!

Another just because picture... Matthew loves his bath time! He just lays there and soaks in the warm water!

Matthew's basket

Joshua's basket

It is so much fun spoiling our boys ;)

Matthew giving his 'First Easter' bunny a hug ;)

Cool baby!

What a cutie!!

Matthew is well on his way with his stuffed animal collection... he only has about 50 more to go to catch up with his big brother! HAHA! Not really, but close enough!

I think Joshua got a bit more...?!?!?!

BIKES!!! The first thing Joshua grabbed out of his basket was his bikes! I found a 4 pack of motorcycles for $1, knowing that Joshua would go crazy over them. Well, when we were walking around walmart still he found them in the cart :( Thankfully he is still young enough to forget about things he sees! When we found them in his basket, it was like he had never seen them ;)

This is why Joshua has so many stuffed animals...he just adores them. He gives them all hugs and says "aaww, cute!" He found a duck that Grandma was planning to give him for Easter. I guess I need to hide things better now, oops!

"Wow, cocate pooh!" The words of a 22 month old.

Joshua loves bubbles! We found his bubble gun at walmart for $3! Nathan would blow the bubbles and Joshua would pop them...he was having sooooo much fun!

Easter egg hunt! Joshua got to find all 58! Yes, 58! When you are the only one who can participate, you get them all ;) Joshua dropped this egg and found out that this hunt was even better than he thought; there's "cocate" inside!!!!

He did a really good job finding all the eggs! He even found the eggs I actually hid!

Every time he found an egg he said, "oh more egg!"

Getting pretty full...

Matthew got a couple of eggs :)

After Joshua found all the eggs, I tried to get a picture of him with his huge find...he thought it would be better to dump out all the eggs instead! He's a boy!

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