Thursday, April 7, 2011

Matthew Alexander Ravert

Matthew is here!!!!!!!

Praise the Lord for our 2nd adorable baby boy!

Matthew Alexander Ravert

Born April 5, 2011 at 7:17pm

8lbs 12 ounces

21 1/2 inches

We are so blessed by our Heavenly Father!

Matthew was born quickly, healthy, and early ;)

Joshua is absolutely LOVING his little brother!

As soon as we got home from the hospital Joshua was trying to share all of his toys with Matthew! Joshua ran to his room and brought out his Thomas the Tank engine toy and wanted to give "baby Maha" a ride! :)

I will try and post more soon...


Krystle Watters said...

Congratulations!!!! He's such a cutie and I love his name. :)

Mommy of 3 said...

XO :-) XO:-) XO:-) XO:-) XO:-)
That's a set from each of us! :-D

Jennifer Silver said...

Congrats! He is adorable :) I'll be praying for you as you settle into a routine.. so cute that Joshua wanted to share his toys :) He's is going to be such a good big bro!

The Ravert Family said...

Thank you everyone :)

The Ravert Family said...
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Adam and Casie said...

He is soooo precious! Adam & I cannot wait to see him.

The Ravert Family said...

Thanks :) hey, when we got your save the date and the pictures you sent JOshua didn't want to give them up! He kept looking at you two and saying "AW!" and smiling ;)he says "cahe" but just smiles when you say adam. Sorry adam, she is just better looking I guess :)

George and Amy said...

Matthew is adorable!! Congrats!! So glad everything when smoothly for you Rach!