Monday, April 18, 2011

Rubber Duck bath...

I saw this rubber duck bath tub a little while ago and thought that it would be great for storage. The big white plastic infant tubs are so hard to store, anywhere.

So we picked this up for Matthew...well, Joshua has seems to claim it ;D It even surprised me when I took it out of the box, it quacks!!!! I didn't know it when I bought it. Joshua is loving it! He is such a good big brother, he had absolutely no problem 'sharing' it with Matthew (even though its Matthew's) when it was bath time. Joshua thought it was great to see Matthew have a bath in the rubber duck...Joshua LOVES ducks! You should see how many he has in the tub with him each time its his turn.


All clean... Matthew is so funny in the bath. When you first put him in he seems a bit uneasy, then within seconds he totally relaxes and just loves it!

P.S. My Mum is flying out here tomorrow!!! Please pray for her though...she is very nervous about flying by herself. Oh, she is blonde so she REALLY needs the prayer, she does need to make it to Seattle, not Cancun ;D hahahaha! Love ya!


Jennifer Silver said...

You look great, Rach:) and little Matthew is just adorable. What cute boys you have!

The Ravert Family said...

Thank you! :)