Monday, April 4, 2011

Soon to be a big brother!!!! & Blessing!!!!

It is so hard to believe that our baby (well, big baby) is going to be a 'big brother' soon!

It seems just like yesterday that we were blessed to hold Joshua in our arms for

the first time. Time goes be so fast!

Joshua is very excited about the baby coming!

Every time we ask him where the baby is he ever so gently pats my baby belly ;)

When we ask him what he is going to do to the baby he pretends to give

him a kiss and a hug! It is so cute, we can't wait to see his first reaction when he meets

his baby brother for the first time...praying that it will be soon!

Only 4 more days until my due date!

While I was tidying some things up this morning, I heard "uh oh, car!"

Not sure of what just took place, I went searching for Joshua and this is what I found.

He said uh oh, becuase he needed to work on his tractor!

He is such a boy!

What exactly he is fixing under there with a saw...I don't know, but he was sure

doing a great job! He said "like Daddy!"

When we were expecting Joshua, a couple in our church offered for us to use their cradle. It was so nice, and it fit right next to our bed, and Joshua loved it!

With this baby, we were a bit concered about where he is going to sleep.

The couple we borrowed the cradle from just had a baby in January, so I didn't want to ask to use it again, just in case she was still using it for her son (I didn't want to rush him out of it).

After talking to someone, I found out that she wasn't using the cradle anymore for her son.

So, I waited a week longer then asked her if her son was still using it, and if not if I could borrow it again. Right away her face lit up and she said, "YES, you can HAVE it!!" She was so excited to be able to get it out of her house!

I now have a cradle for the baby, and I didn't have to buy it, and its the same one I used for Joshua, so I thought that was special :)...

it's a Mommy thing!

Joshua has been enjoying it again this morning.

He stuffed it full of his animals and then jumped in :)

Oh, it isn't all together yet. It actually has a stand and when it is up it rocks.

Lately, Joshua has had a new favorite colour...


Nathan has a polo shirt that is orange and then another one that is orange and blue stripes.

When he came out of the room after changing into them, both times Joshua said "OOoooooo! Daddy!" It was so cute!

I had a coupon for Childrens Place and I knew they had their boy polo shirts on sale, so I went looking...

I found this orange and blue stripped polo for Joshua (and for the baby).

It almost matches perfectly!

When I brought it home and showed Joshua his new shirt, guess what he said...

"OOOoooo, like Daddy!" then he gave it a hug! :) I also found him an orange baseball cap with a basketball, and he recently picked out an orange football from Dollarama, which he takes EVERYHERE! The first Sunday (and everyone after) he took it to church to show the "big guys" as he calls the teen guys :) He had a blast playing with it with the 'big guys'!!

When you are little and tired, you can sleep just about anywhere!

I found Joshua almost asleep in here :) I think the flash woke him back up.


Krystle Watters said...

You must be getting so excited for this new little baby boy!! Joshua is so cute, I'm sure his little brother is going to be adorable!!

The Ravert Family said...

Thank you! yes, we are so anxious! it is the hardest time rightnow...waiting!

Jennifer Silver said...

oh my goodness, I just saw on Erin's status that you are in labour!!!! I am praying for you right at this moment! I hope there are no complications and that you and baby are doing great :) I can't wait to see pics of Baby Boy! love you!

Amanda said...

Hey Rachel! I just saw Jenn's comment and will be praying for you as well! It has been so long...I didn't even know you had a little boy already. I am so happy for you. Congrats

The Ravert Family said...

Thank you for all the prayers! Everything went well, and our little boy Matthew is here :)