Thursday, February 16, 2012

We are still alive :)

Life has been busy! That is all I can really say to explain myself....
Between having guests for Christmas, family and church my time has flown by in the last couple of months! I have so many stories to share (at another time). Just keep on checking back, I will try to post something next week...
tomorrow we are going to the USA consolate in Vancouver for the boys dual citizanships!! Please pray that all goes well! We will apply for passports shortly after :)
Have a wonderful weekend...ours gets to start tomorrow! Nathan took the day off to deal with the boys paperwork and some tax appointments!
We just finished a fun teen/senior activity! We had all the teens and seniors from our church get together for some good 'ol games :) it was a wonderful evening of fellowship. It was really neat to sit back and watch them all: even though there was an obvious age difference, we all had something in common - salvation by faith in Christ Jesus!!!!
Good night!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Christmas Time Blessings part 2

Life continues to be crazy busy!!!!! I don`t know how else to explain my lack of posting...
Here are a few pictures to enjoy! Charlies Chocolate factory, the cutes puppy dogs ever ;) and family!