Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Last night, Melissa and I were able to go out shopping for our dresses for Adam and Casie's wedding in the beginning of August. We started out at Goodwill and we got some other clothing, but not out dresses. Then we headed over to value village (see we had good intentions of paying little) to find out that they were closed because the store is moving to a different location. Our next stop was going to be Ross, but we decided that we needed a treat! ;) Melissa had a few buy one get one free coupons for McDonald's Mc'cafe, so we both enjoyed a nice frapp...mmmmmm yummy!!! :) oh yes, dress shopping...Ross is basically a step up from second hand stores. They have a ton of cheap stuff but its not second hand, and you still may not be able to find what you want in your size. Well, we both found a bunch of dresses that we liked and that we tried on. I found one that I loved but didn't notice that someone had stuck it into the section of my sized dresses, it was a size 18-22! So needless to say, when I put it on, I was drowning in material! :) I really liked the dress, so when we switched trying on dresses and holding Matthew (he was the only boy allowed to be out with us! He was sooooooo good!! and at 8 he ate and went to was like he wasn't even there, other than the fact that we had to carry him around, and he isn't that light anymore!), I ran back to my size section and looked and looked and looked and yes, there it was in my size! Tadaaa!! I was so happy to see it hanging there! So again, we switched places, and I ran to try it on. It fits! So, one dress down, one to go. Our next and last resort was JC Penny. Melissa was praying very hard at this point. When we got there she was able to find a ton (seriously) of dresses to try on, but while we were still looking, we heard over the loud speaker...the store closes in 15 min, please take your items to the closest cashier. We both ran through the rest of the dresses and then Melissa tried on all her dresses and she found the perfect dress! woooowhooo! We have our dresses!!

It is so amazing how the Lord answers prayer! I have been praying that the Lord would allow me to find a dress for a good price (cheap)! Yes, He showed Himself strong again! The dress that I bought was only $14.99! Praise the Lord for HIS goodness :)

Now, we are ready for Florida :P Casie, Adam, Grandpa and Grandma see you all soon!!!!


Jennifer Silver said...

Awesome post! There is just something so thrilling about going on a shopping mission and finding what you want for super cheap!!! :) Love that :) Can't wait to see pics of your new dress! ps. Super jealous that you are off to Florida while I sit inside packing....

The Ravert Family said...

Well, if you like the weather really hot... that is the part we are not looking forward to. Its hovering around 40'! yeah, yuck!!

Jennifer Silver said...

Oh I LOVE super hot HOT weather!!! Enjoy :)

Adam and Casie said...

WOOOHOOOO! Florida here you come today ;) See ya in the morning!