Friday, January 1, 2010

Eating big boy food...bananas!!!

Grandpa and Grandma Marks gave Joshua a 'Fresh Food Feeder' for Christmas. Last night Joshua had his first banana!! He loved it! It only took Joshua about 5 minutes to eat it :)

Joshua just enjoying his banana!
All of us Ravert's went to Christopher and Melissa's house for New Years eve. It was a full house again, like Christmas Day.
We are having lots of fun with everyone.


Sarah Shearin said...

Hey Rachel!!
It has been so long since I have talked to you! I miss you! I was just curious what your e-mail address is. I do not know if it is the same or not! Love you!

The Ravert Family said...

Hey!! I was wondering the samething about you!!! I am glad that you found our BLOG! I understand that some CONGRATULATIONS are in order!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!! I am so happy for you guys! How far along are you?
Oh yeah, yes, my e-mail is still the same,