Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Joshua has always been a HUGE fan of music!
Joshua automatically loved the guitar as soon as he saw his cousin, Isaac's toy story guitar.
We have been looking for one for him for a LONG time. We were finally able to locate one and Christopher and Melissa happened to be right by the store so he got his "De-tar!"
He is so proud of his guitar! The first Sunday that he had it, he had to take it to church to show
Ky (Caleb Turner) and Milla (Mr. Semillia - he is known as the maestro at church). Joshua was so funny, he thought he was cool showing off his "de-tar"!
It was so cute though ;)
He has had his guitar for around a month or so, and he still pulls it out EVERYDAY and plays with it! I think we have a little 'maestro' in the making!
Only just over 2 weeks until our baby's due!!!!
We are still praying that he comes early!


Jun and Sandra said...

I'm still predicting this weekend! Are you packed?!

The Ravert Family said...

Yes! You?!?!