Friday, November 25, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

Christmas is our favorite time of the year! Snow, Christmas carols/songs, nativity scences, decorations, specialty holiday drinks from Starbucks :D, lights, Christmas trees, shopping (well for me), baking, sugar cookies....the list goes on! We love this time of the year!
Last night, Melissa and I braved the craziness of Black Friday shopping again.... we LOVE it :) It gets crazy, and yes, there are those who even fight over 'bedsheets'!! Yes, I said bedsheets :) it was hilarious! Ladies were getting so defensive over bedsheets lol! We both were able to grab pretty much all we had on our lists, the only thing I didn't manage to grab was a set of frames, which turned out to be OK anyways, because they weren't as nice as I thought they were going to be. We both grabbed the important stuff ;D Tonight, we are getting our TREE!!!!! Picking our our tree has always been a very special time for Nathan and I! We love it, and now Joshua LOVES it, and probably next year Matthew will LOVE it (when he gets whats going on;})!
"Happy Birthday Jesus, I'm so glad its Christmas!"

1 comment:

Adam and Casie said...

Thanksgiving was GREAT! We had a blast. Love all the pictures! Miss ya'll & Love ya!