Friday, December 11, 2009

Do you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a baby?...

"Do you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a baby?"
We always wonder what Joshua is thinking when he drops one of his toys while he is playing in his exersaucer...he leans over as far as he can and just watches how I am supposed to get that toy back, maybe if I stare at it long enough it will come back to me (which usually happens because we see him and give it back...he's smart!)
We always wonder what Joshua is thinking when everyone comes up to him and makes funny faces. He never smiles right away...he always waits just long enough to make that person feel awkward and then he smiles as if he has just accomplished something (how many people can I get to make a dumb face?) :) hahahaha!
I wonder what goes on in Joshua's mind when he watches me sweeping the floor. His eyes are fixed on the broom, as it goes back and forth, so does his head:)...what do you think he is thinking ;D
What goes on in the mind of baby when he is being so quiet and then all of the sudden he starts babbling and then laughs at himself? If only we could remember what we were thinking as babies.
We know one thing that goes on in Joshua's mind...when he lays his head down on our shoulders and hugs us...
he LOVES us:)
These are all precious memories that we will remember forever!
We Love you baby Joshua
Daddy and Mommy

1 comment:

Mommy of 3 said...

I love this!

though it does make me sad to think that my babies are no longer babies :-(