Saturday, November 21, 2009

watch me sit up all by myself!

Joshua loves to sit up all the time now. Don't mind the end of the video though, he was just a bit tipsy, he can reach without falling over now! His big tummy helps him I think :) He usually loves to play on his piano! He wacks that thing so hard it is funny. We are pretty sure that he is going to be quite the little piano master:) he loves to play on Mommy's piano. He used to sit and let me play, now he shoves my hands away so he can play it. If there is music up in front of him he looks up right at the music while he wacks at the keys, and if there is no music up, he looks down so seriously at the keys:) Its so precious!

1 comment:

Mommy of 3 said...

Yeah for Joshua!!! (and Mommy too)