Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Winter 2009

Scrapbook at WiddlyTinks.com
Photo Tinks by WiddlyTinks.com

Winter (Christmas) is our favorite time of the year. This year winter just won't be the same. Growing up in Ontario and Michigan we always had tons of snow!!! Nathan and I LOVE snow!

The Lord has lead us to Beautiful British Columbia. Snow in BC is rare (with the exeption of last year), but you can get as much of it as you want when you go in to the amazing mountains! We probably won't have snow all over our yard this winter, but we have an amazing view of the 'snow covered' mountains just at the end of our street! When the Lord leads, He sometimes takes some of our favorite things away, but He can, and does certainly replaces them with something even more amazingly beautiful!!
Thank you Lord, for the beautiful snow covered moutains that you have given to us! They are truly amazing!

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